Watching The Eclipse June 10, 2018 ASolar Eclipse Necklace,Made from her grandfather's gold watchcase. During a solar eclipseAn effect occurs, known as" The Diamond Ring." Photo by Babak A. Tafreshi The design mimics this effect.A ring to mimic a ring,That mimics a ring. To simulate"The Diamond"A rutilated quartz.The ring will be builtFrom recycled gold.With a lava bead moonAlso included in the designAre the dates of the most recent eclipse,And the upcoming one in 2024. I was able to disassemble the case into strips, From which I forged raw stock for the build. View fullsize This shot of the reverse side reveals the only identifiable watch detail; the winding stem receptacle. Ultimately, the rivet that allows the lava bead to spin will utilize this watch scion. "The Diamond Ring" is a stylized explosion.The Quartz stone is prong setIn classic fashion,With a viewing windowTo show off the depth of the stone. The white gold looks molten,As is wraps itselfAround a black lava moon. Thick gold plates,With holes and cratersLike the moon,Spell out the eclipse dates, The Diamond Ring,Hangs tilted towards Venus,Which is represented byA small Herkimer Diamond(Hanging near the upcoming year) This has been "Watching The Eclipse" with Ken Thibado.